Progress is being made! We have finished the flooring on the wing- no more flooring, no more bow wrench! We had a visit from our friend Barbara, who pitched in and helped a lot. It's wonderful to wake up in the morning and see a house-shape in the early morning. Soon we'll begin work on the rafters for the wing. Today, hopefully we'll get started on siding the side of the house that faces the wing. Surprise, surprise, there's rain in the forecast. But we keep calm, and carry on!
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Progress is being made! We have finished the flooring on the wing- no more flooring, no more bow wrench! We had a visit from our friend Barbara, who pitched in and helped a lot. It's wonderful to wake up in the morning and see a house-shape in the early morning. Soon we'll begin work on the rafters for the wing. Today, hopefully we'll get started on siding the side of the house that faces the wing. Surprise, surprise, there's rain in the forecast. But we keep calm, and carry on!
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