We have plumbing (connected to the temporary electric service) and heat, thanks to the wood stove. We have a full, complete, water-tight roof. So, it follows that we couldn't wait any longer, and we are now sleeping and doing most of our living in the house! The food and cooking is still at the cabin, although we've rigged up a "caffeine delivery system" in the new house. Hunt and Dan have put in all the first floor doors, and are trimming windows. Exterior siding goes on bit by very slow bit, as we hurry to get the first floor really livable before the real cold hits.
We had a great visit from our friend Sydney, and other visitors dropped by as well.
Things we are waiting for:
Kitchen cabinets arrive today or tomorrow. Countertops arrive hopefully early next week.
Webber Fuels will set up the propane service on Friday.
PSNH will hook up the electricity in its own good time. We understand they're short-handed at the moment...
But living conditions are quite cozy at the moment, nonetheless!
In the evenings we sit by the stove and look around us and marvel. We're home.